
Thursday 31 March 2011

TeNtaNg Aque

Nux Taw Bout Me??
Jeng,, Jeng,, Jeng,,SmileyCentral.comJeng,, Jeng,, Jeng,,


Actually Nothing Special Bout Me tO Describe Koowt,, Hehehe,, Maklom laa, I bawu Ag Nux Anjew2 Nan Blog Nie,, So, If de Pe2 Yg Aqu xtaw, u'olLz Nux Share,, Aque Alu2 Kn Cgt Meyh,,,

Just Kol Me Inne Ajewk Meyh,, (Konon Name Glam Laa Uh Kowwt) hahahax,, Nope La,, Nick Nie Dri Mbe Bex Aque,, Dye Uke Tuko2 Name Aque,, But I Like Dis Name Laa! Ngee~

Okies Laa,, Now, I'm 20 (bLum Ukop Ag Keyh!) Toink2x! Still Mude Ag Meyh,,, Aku Uat Pe Erh? Laa Nie Aku Help My Daddy's Bussiness,, Aku Mmg xuke Busnes!! Hate3x!!  But Bile Da Tene Help Family Nye Busnes, Aku Redha,, Mybe Somthing News For Me BUT I Know, I Must Try! Rytes?? Yarh!! Chaiyork2 To My Life!! Isshh! Sape Akap Nanax Cont My Study???! Op Corse! Obsolutely I Wanna Cont!! Aiyarrk! Ilmu Ade Di Ane2,

 My Father Always Says Datz,  Ilmu Universal n Ilmu University, Lg Bsr Ilmu Universal,, Just Mau Sijil2 Tene Larh Ilmu University,, Itu Pon xke Ane,, B'coz, Sometimes, Ape Yg Ite Pelajri At University, xde d Universe,,, I Know But Kekdg I Jeles Sgt2 Mbe2 I Sume Da Abes Study, Ade Yg P Jauh2,, Uhux3.. It's Ok,, I Must Be Strong!!!
So, I Dont Know The Endless Of My Life Yet,,, Lolx,, (Mepex Pew Plop Nie) NeverMind,
 I Hope!! I Hope!! My Career, My Busnes, My Family, My Fwenx, & Anything Laa,,
Success! Success! Success!


-ihhe ohig-

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